Friday, January 01, 2010

1st post 2010

ok, so new years eve was already 3 hours ago ( I know, I know, blogger still shows 31st december ), but nevermind: HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

I hope all of you are celebrating the new year with nice people :) I definatly did ( and still do, hehe, going back to the party any minute XD ).

2010 is going to be nice i think !! .)

btw. i updated THIS Post with some pre sketches I found yesterday...
Oh and i have a facebook account ... since a few years actually... but now i have this nice ugly badge on the right side of this blog. Isn´t that nice ?

theese sketches are kind of randomly put together. Unfortunatly i´m a bit to tipsy right to remember when I drew them XD

oh hehe, i wanted to participate the nibru meme aswell, but dropped it halway. I still would like to refine this a bit though, as it is so late now anyway i can take my time with this.


Unknown said...

love your blog, look forward to next post!

Carl Knox said...

love this blog, been subscribed for the past year, and lookin forward to the next!

thanks saskia.

Aadi Salman said...

Happy New Year!

Awesome sketches, btw! :D

Rob Laro said...

happy new year! :)

Santiago Mansilla said...
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Santiago Mansilla said...

happy new year!
You´re one of the best draughtsman I have found on the web (via John k.)
thank you for sharing your talent!

Katie said...

Happy new year!!! Looking at these drawings makes me inspired to work harder at drawing in 2010!

These drawings are all so beautiful. I love the first and last pages especially!

Eric Heaton said...

Thank you for sharing these.

I am curious to your process on the first set of images, did you do the gestures in orange pencil from life first, then go back and add details from memory?

Saskia said...

@octavio: hey thank you, like your blog aswell :D

@carl: Thank you so much !!

@Adi: Thank you !!!

@Rob: Happy new year to you too, keep staying so creative :D

@Mansilla: Thank you very much, considering the high amount of awsome artists around I´m very honored that you like my work :)

@Katie: Hi !! Thank you very much for your comment. haha, thanks to your blog entry i´m thinking about making a 10-year-retrospective aswell XDD

@bookum: Haha, no. I do not have this frequent access to life drawing ;((
The Orange Lines are rough predrawings. I do the lines directly with a pencil, you can block out the orange later in Photoshop to have just the clean drawing as a leftover.
But in this case I thought that the Orange looks kind of interesting. :)

Lucca said...

Ich weiß immer gar nicht, was ich schöner finde. Deine traditionellen Sachen, oder die digitalen. Die Perspektiven und Linien sind bei allen jedenfalls super. So schön geschwungen.

Super Eintrag fürs neue Jahr x)
Hoffe, du hast schön gefeiert!

Saskia said...

@Lucca: Vielen Dank, bin bei den Lines manchmal immer noch sehr unsicher, daher freue ich mich wenn es dir gefällt :D

@Craig: Thank you !!

rad sechrist said...

Just amazing!

jamie holmes said...

Great sketches.

***** said...

Peter thought...

you really deserve your name. beautiful work and great drawing skills. very impressive