Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Testing with new PS brushes. Special thanks to joshua (*_*)/
Did most of the polishing in Painter though ( this chalk brush for the BG, ink brush for clothes)

Original Size

EDIT: No i won´t post the brushes, so please stop asking XD

Monday, July 07, 2008

sketchbombs ( edit +3 )

k, just spend almost 2 hours with scanning all the single papers and little bits of drawings XD
Sorry for the quality, i just put them together the way i scanned them :>

Will update this post later with the next parts.

EDIT: Here are the others. Watch out, big images are BIG !

EDIT2: And more Tegakistuff

EDIT3: Last time, promised...i have forgotten this one...

Friday, July 04, 2008


I´m free /(*v*)/

Will now scan my procastination sketches, catching up with e-mails, giftarts and clean everything up... I´m freeeeee T_T
omg, i want to draw all day....

These were parts of the posters i did for the grad exibhit. meh <_ br="" done....="" glad="" i="" m="" that="">

gestures, much fun !

Oh, and "No more Heroes" is an awsome game (i love Holly *_*)... i just wanted to say that... Okami is awsome too!