Sunday, March 24, 2024


 more filler from 2018

I still remember having a hard time to get the motivation to even watch this movie, so i procrastinated till the very last showing on the last day it was still theatres haha

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 EDIT: Fixed the issue with pictures not displaying correctly! I always forget that blogspot resizes images once they reach a certain size limit.

This a bit  of a look-back... a.k.a. a filler post, but it has been in the making for a bit. Among other posts containing old work, but as I have been for a long time mainly working in trad. media scanning and collecting all these pages takes some time.

These pages all from 2014, when I was a little bit in a weird spot mentally and very burned out from making my sketchbooks into neat little artbooks. I think I have mentioned a while back that my books tend to be very messy and that hasn´t really changed till this day (cause it works for me)
