Monday, November 15, 2010


I´m sorry for beeing so absent recently :(

This post is mostly for a topic that I get a lot of questions about.
Making studys with references is something I usually combine with my warm-ups.
I always have a big pile of photos/magazines and randomly choose some to work with ( or specificly for work related themes ). Time spent is around 20-30 min.
I admit though that I´m not doing that every day, there are sometimes weeks where I just paint some abstract nothings. I also can´t say if this is the right way to go, but it definatly works for me to understand the things I want to learn :)

So here is a small selection from the last months.

edit: sargent study, also around 15min. :|

and some classics


bird said...

beautiful as always

Andre Loftis said...

<3 U Saskia! Keep it up :]

Scott Forbes said...

You are amazing, Saskia!

Unknown said...

Is there anything you focus on, when warming up? Or is it just intuitive scribbling?

Cory said...

Damn, even your warmups make me want to work harder. Is that Hatsune Miku?

Britney said...

friggin gorgeous.~

paberu said...

Nice stuff saskia, really like your sketches - those miku ones are especially cool :)!

Esther Chow said...

Cool! This is something I should try making a habit out of... love your sketches as always. Especially that little scribble of Donald Duck! Love how you draw Miku as well.

Saskia said...

@Dani, Andre, Scott: Thank you so much :)

@han: I usually focus on things that I like to focus on while drawing :)

@cory: yup

@ - , okha, pavel: <3

@kuzu: I can only recommend that you least give it a try ;) Its easy to give up cause there doesn´t seem much progress at first, but on the long run it definatly works :)

Unknown said...

I'll take that as a "no comment" ;D

Saskia said...

@han: Habe ich zu ungenau geantwortet ? Oder möchtest du alles worauf ich mich bei jeder Zeichnung fokussiere als Liste zum abheften ? ;)

Unknown said...

Um ehrlich zu sein ja ... :P
(das gilt für beides). Aber im Grunde reicht mir schon, dass die Frage aufgekommen ist. Ich werd sie mal für mich selbst beantworten (wenn du dich aber äußern willst, fänd ich's natürlich auch spannend).

Saskia said...

Ich weiß ja nicht was du als Antwort erwartet hast ? Nach wie vor steht meine bisherige Aussage, und damit ist die Frage für mich beantwortet.
Oder mal anders gesagt, wenn ich besonders viele Hände zeichne mache ich das sicherlich nicht um Waschmaschinen besonders plastisch darstellen zu können.
Und wenn ich zeichne muss ich mich darauf konzentrieren, von daher fällt auch für mich das "intuitiv" weg.

Aadi Salman said...

Every time you post really made me want to draw more.


Kemane Ba said...


Aaron Fryer said...

these made my otherwise non illustrative day ; >

Christopher said...

all of these are SO beautiful, i love how you filled the whole page each time. excellent work!!

Unknown said...

Okay, also nichts Spezielles. Danke trotzdem :]

Unknown said...

Just awesome! Love visiting this blog.

Flò =) said...

You're totally amazing ç___ç

Dominic Bugatto said...

LOvely drawings.

Marcos Mateu said...

Fantastic as usual.

Nathan Andrew said...

Lovely Blog you have here! Will check in from time to time!

A.J. Wilkins said...

du weißt nicht wie lange ich gebraucht habe um herauszufinden dass das zu zeichnen was mir spaß macht, das ist was mich technisch und persönlich am weitesten bringt. dein blog erinnert mich immer wieder daran. :)

Kemp Remillard said...

Wow! You're work is so awesome. I could look at these pages forever! thx for the comment, love your work! Really makes me feel like doing more o' the sketches. Thanks for putting them up to see! :)

Saskia said...

@adijin: same goes back to you :)))

@han: Genau das... und sorry falls meine Worte etwas ruppig rüberkamen :)

@Octavio: Thank you so much for your visits and congrats on the Pixar gig :)

@caccadu, Aaron Fryer, Christopher, Flo, Dominic Bugatto, Marcos Mateu, Nathan Andrew: Thank you so much :)

@Adrian Wilkins: Ich weiß natürlich nicht wie lange es gedauert hat, kann mir aber gut vorstellen wie Zeitintensiv die Suche nach einer persönlichen Richtung dauern kann. Umso schöner ist es dann wenn man einen klaren Hinweis hat und einfach merkt das es der Richtige Weg ist :))

@Kemp Remillard: Thank you very much for commenting back and leaving such nice words around here :) I´m flattered !

Samuel Silva said...

Super amazing dessin ! Très cool .

Richard Vallerand said...

Love your art, it free and lively. Makes me feel happy :-)

Diego Morali R. said...

Wow!!! Lovely!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!

Matt Jones said...

Great life study pages