Thursday, July 09, 2009



Mark Molnar said...

love these vector stuff! just great!

Saskia said...

It´s Painter, thank you .)

Adonyel said...

Great updates Saskia! Thanks for the motivation ;D

John Patrick Deza said...

simplicity is the key to brilliance! meinte zumindest bruce lee :-)

Domee said...

Oh these look great~! Love the simplicity and sparing use of colour. Remind me of screen prints.... S'awesome, man 8D

Lucca said...

Super stylishe Angelegenheit.
Das letzte Bild mit dem Regenschirm is nochmal doppelt so super *_*

Scott Forbes said...

nice and simple, beautiful work saskia!

Justin said...

so simple.. but such beautiful execution, i like :)

keep er up!