Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hellohello, whats up? I´m sorry for the long absence here, it´s not like I forgot this place but rahter that it becomes pretty tiresome to keep all social sites updated with current work. Still I´ve been wondering about those folks who don´t follow my work on facebook and tumblr ( ), and to be honest I don´t want to abandon this place. Too much pleasent memories :) (apologies to everyone who has seen these already)


Rafi said...

Beautiful! thanks for posting, now I want to go out and draw..

Unknown said...

thanks for posting saskia

great stuff

C.Deboda said...

Yeah, for the few of us here that don't really use Facebook or tumblr yet (ie. me)...thanks for posting here. :)

Percy Bysshe said...

Amazing stuff! thanks for posting here - for people such as myself, who don't understand that blogs are now old-fashioned media, it is highly appreciate...