Tuesday, August 07, 2007


haha, Backgrounds are still my nemesis, but theres no way around, i have to practise it XDD I´m not that happy with this one, i will focus it more on the character next time together with a better composition and concept :/ Just the background without any character wasn´t better :( I had much fun though while painting :) It will be better next time :D

more gyakusai fanart


Kate Anthony said...

Gosh your backgrounds are lovely, I don't know what you're talking about. *___* Additionally, lovely Adrian~

Unknown said...

Nice :D! I think what you might be pulling your hair out is just the visual contrast/lighting source. Colours look very heavyyyyyy @_@

Yeyy Adrian! Lovin the reds on her skin xD

Saskia said...

@kate: Thank you, Adrian is just cool *_*

@axl99: Yeah, that´s a good tipp, i havn´t considered that with this one somehow :/

So you like Adrian too? XDDD When do you finish your picture with adrian and shoe :)

Casey said...

Ich finds gerade toll mit den Farben.. Freu mich auf mehr BGs! Und mehr Adrians XDD

Fränk Spalteholz said...

hey saskia!

great speedy!

know what you mean. bg's are damn hard. wish i could draw like you! i love the light-situation and the clouds! but the shadows are wrong and the sun behind the clouds is too high for that sunset-situation and unfortuatly your character gets entirely lost. but keep trying!

cheers fränk

Okha said...

Ich finde deine neuen colorierten Sachen so toll! Sie sind richtig farbenfroh!*_*

Anonymous said...

Sehe es wie Okha ! Sehr Farbenfroh und lebendig. Mir gefällt das Letzte am besten, auch wenn ich keine Ahnung habe, zu welcher Serie/Game das gehört ^^' Das Erste ist sehr stimmunsvoll und die Wolkenfarbe gefällt mir sehr gut. MAch weiter so !!

Sam Nielson said...

Very amazing work on your blog, I'm glad I found it. I'll be looking forward to seeing more!

LFW said...

your drawings are just awsome, I wish I could draw as wicked as you alla time like that. Your natural creativity knows no bounds

your new fan


Freshyfresh said...

Sei nicht so streng zu Dir selbst! Deine Hintergrundzeichnungen sind Wahnsinn!!! Hintergruende sind meine groesste Schwaeche, schon alleine die Idee fehlt mir.

Ich finde auch die Bilder in Deinen vorhergehenden Posts sehr schoen, ganz besonders die colorierten Skizzen gefallen mir.
Du hast ausserdem ein sehr gutes Auge fuer Perspektive, Form und Farben.

Randy Bantog said...

cool stuff as usual!

joysuke said...

nicenice super nice!!!!!

1 said...

You have a knack for figure drawing, jealous.

bog_art said...

It is nice to know I am not the only graphic designer who loves to draw.. you have a great blog here.. Congratulations!!..

Torokun said...

You never cease to amaze me with your work.

Saskia said...

@cas: Danke '-'

@frank: Thank you for the advice,this is really helpful :) I will go on with practise, maybe i can lookm behind the secret of nice backgrounds someday XD

@okha: Danke Danke =D

@david: Es ist von Gyakuten Saiban, steht doch drüber XDDD Aber wurscht, danke für den Comment :)

@sam nielson: Many many thanks to you, your art is absolutly amazing :)

@lfw: Thank you, although i don´t see my self a creative :/

@arschblog: Danke ;_; Nur irgendwie brauch ich mir da nichts vormachen, ich hab einfach extremen Nachholbedarf. Ist auch kein Weltuntergang, ich will es halt in irgendeiner Art und Weise können.

@randy bantog: wow, thank you ;_; *loves your blog*

@joysuke: Thank youuu *hug*

@heather: Thank you :) And no need to be jealous, you better look in my link list, there are the guys you should be jealous about :)

@bog art: Thank you .)

@james: hey, you are here to? Do you plan to open a blog ? That would be cool, cause i woul love to see more of your works and the progress from you cg´s ;_;

fantasyartbyglenn said...

Beautiful art!

Pusha V said...

Your coloring is nice! Your added to my blog links. Keep up the good work.

Karla Diaz said...

WOw wow wow haha
your drawings are just gorgeous!!!
I'm a fan of PW too *_*
I'll keep looking your blog for inspiration!