Monday, June 04, 2007


I managed to break my scanner into pieces while cleaning my desk :<
...I wanted a new one anyway XD
btw. Phoenix Wright 2 is pure gold ;_; Though not as good as the first one...

hehe, one of the many " i start , but never finish" fanarts :) Has someone seen the Cutie Honey live-action movie? I only watched some clips, but damn, they were trashy *_*


libra bear said...

I can't get over how diverse u are. Different styles, all masterfully done. I have a lot of work to do....

Sam said...

wie immer sehr schöne bilder hier auf deinem blog ! sehr schöne schattierungen - besonders bei dem schwertkämpfer !

Chainsaw said...

the rhythms on these are great, even at rest the characters look dynamic.

Uli Meyer said...

Your draftsmanship is breathtaking! If you can do this at your age and you don't stop learning, I can see an exciting future ahead of you. I never tell this to anyone, but you seem to have the goods.

Randy Bantog said...

I love your drawings. very fluid and dynamic.

Saskia said...

@libra: Thank you :) I think I´m´the one who has to work hard, you are much better than me :(

@sam: Vielen Dank .)

@chainsaw: Hey, thank you :D

@um: ...Thank you so much for that comment...I´m feeling special now somehow. I don´t deserve that praise, but i will practise hard to become a better artist, thank you again so much :) Your kind words made me happy :)

@randy: Thank you for looking here, i see that you are an amazing artist, i will definatly look more often at your blog :)

Casey said...

Heisst das, dass es nun erstmal keine neuen Bilder gibt, wenn dein Scanner im Arsch ist? T_T Oder ist schon ein neuer da?

Saskia said...

Leider ja :( Es sei denn ich scanne wieder in der Schule...aber das vergess ich immer wenn ich mal da bin lol XDD

Anja und Annica said...

Dann hinterlass ich hier auch mal was, :]
Scheint, als wären jetzt alle zu gewechselt, ha ha.



Anja und Annica said...

Yay, danke fürs adden! =]
Ich pack dich auch gleich mal dazu, sobald ich rausgefunden habe, wie man das macht. XD

Julia said...

first one for the winnnn. tho lol the cutie honey thing is pretty hot. i HAVE seen the live action movie... and was traumatized for life T^T